St. Joe® Brick Works, Inc.
63076 Hwy 1091
Pearl River, LA 70452

Cleaning Your Brick

Due to the particular type manufacturing process of the Woodmould Face Brick, the usual procedure for cleaning brick will change the appearance of the finished wall. These bricks are formed in sand-coated, wooden moulds. The combination of this white sand and the darker body of the brick results in a very pleasing color tone. Scrubbing, or cleaning, with a wire or other stiff brush will loosen some of the sand particles embedded in the surface. It is recommended that this brick NOT be cleaned after laying unless an effect is desired other than as shown by our sample panels. Care should be used to keep the work as clean as possible during the laying.

Field experience has shown that good results are obtained either by brushing the new brickwork daily with a household straw broom or sacking with burlap material in order to remove mortar accumulation before it can set up. Excess mortar that has been allowed to set up should be removed carefully with a putty knife or sharpened piece of wood. However, do not continue if mortar smears on face of brick. If a different effect is desired, it is recommended that a sample wall be constructed and the usual cleaning methods be used to demonstrate to the owner or architect the finished wall effect. Test panels or test areas should always be cleaned before overall application of cleansers. Test areas should be allowed to thoroughly dry and should be inspected before proceeding with overall cleaning.

In cases of extremely unsightly mortar scum on the brickwork or accumulation of mortar which has set up, a 9-to-1 (nine parts of water to one part of cleanser of Vana-trol) may be used, applying with a paint brush with no scrubbing action. Water should be used liberally before, during and after such applications. Allow solution to loosen and dissolve mortar scum and accumulations and to clean off any residue left from the cleaner.

A brick job should be cleaned from top to bottom in sections when using a cleaner.

  1. Saturate the brick masonry wall surface before the application of a detergent or cleaning solution.
  2. Then apply the solution after the solution has been mixed to the appropriate percentage of solution to water.
  3. Thoroughly rinse and flush the chemical from the brick after the application of the cleanser.

It should be noted that windows, doors and trim should be protected from the cleaning agents. DO NOT USE HIGH PRESSURE CLEANERS. CALL THE MANUFACTURER.
To minimize this problem we suggest the following:

  1. General use of good masonry practices.
  2. Brick should be stored so bottom brick will be protected from the mud and all brick covered to be protected from rain.
  3. During construction, all walls should be kept dry by covering at end of each workday with waterproof material, which is secured against displacement by wind.

DO NOT USE MURIATIC ACID to clean these bricks.

If you have any questions regarding the cleaning of this product, contact the manufacturer immediately.


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